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Our Mission & Vision

The mission of Trailside Church is to fulfill Christ’s commandments found in Matthew 22:37-40 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” ‘Love God and Love each other’. Our passion is to make and mobilize disciples of Jesus.

Love God

We believe that Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross and bridged the gap for us to be able to have a one on one relationship with God. The gospel of Jesus will restore our hearts and our lives by helping us turn from our sin and follow God. In doing so, we will experience radical, life-changing love for God and others. Our desire is to know God through passionate prayer and diligent study of God’s Word.

Love Each Other

We believe that in being a New Testament Church, we must love each other unconditionally as Christ loves us. First, we must tell people around us about the saving grace of Jesus and His death on the cross that has paid the penalty for our sin. We are also to love each other by actively being involved in life groups and other opportunities to connect on a regular basis. We are about making and mobilizing disciples for God’s glory! We want every member actively engaging in a life touching life method of discipleship. Through loving our own community, we will together strive to take the love of God to the world through missions and planting churches as God directs.